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Yes you truly can grow all of these from seed or bulb in our temperate PNW climate.
I plan to multiply the stock, save the seeds and offer flower varieties unique to KIKA in the future. Not only will you be able to buy flowers you will also be able to buy the seeds to grow your very own cutting garden!


I am obsessed
By far my favorite. The first three slides are already in the collection, the last three slides are the new introductions I'll be adding this year. They are prolific bloomers from late June - October. I can not wait to see their beautiful faces!
Can you pick a favorite?



The giants
I sprinkled some seeds in the alley behind my house last spring with really no expectations. Boy was I surprised! They grew taller than me with blooms bigger than my hand.  Not the best cut flower as they tend to fall apart within in a couple days but so stunning in the garden
Magical to watch swaying in the breeze



So unique


The colors are intense and they keep blooming the more you cut.  

The Queen Lime series takes the cake!



Delicate Beauties


My favorite spring flower that I never knew existed. 200 are growing in my little backyard garden as we speak but I have big plans for these once we get our own farm. The color varieties they come in are amazing, pastel & jewel tones. They are in season in May, my birthday month! 

The perfect

wedding flower



Yellow Stunners


I have a confession.....sunflowers have never really done it for me but I am defiantly gaining respect for them. They are one of the fastest growing flowers to bloom, just 90 days from seed to flower. Plant a few seeds every couple weeks starting mid April through mid July. You will have sunflowers until the 1st frost in October.

Who knew there were

so many varieties?


Late Bloomers


You will have to wait until September for these beauties to show their faces. They actually need a little dip in the temperatures to trigger the blooming.





These flowers remind me of my mother, she has some light pink ones in her yard that come back year after year. I collected a bunch of the seeds last fall so they will make an appearance on the farm this summer.

Sweet as can be

Sweet Peas​

Making a comeback


No not the kind you eat, when I tell friends I'm growing sweet peas they instantly say "Oh I love eating peas off the vine" I do too but not these peas, they're actually quite poisonous.

The fragrance

on these things!

celosia & amaranth


Spikes & Ropes


Not what you would think of as a flower in the tradition sense but still they are flowers. These blooms are an amazing compliment to focal flowers. They are way more than just fillers, add these to any bouquet and it will look like a million bucks.

Unique & unexpected 

textures are

over the top

All of these varieties

are going into the ground at the Funny Farm this year.


Join us for one of our events or sign up for our bi-weekly bouquet subscription to see them for yourself.




F L O W E R S   F E E D  T H E  S O U L

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